Arrowhead Justice Court
The Arrowhead Justice Court handles DUIs and misdemeanor traffic violations that occurred within the boundaries of the Arrowhead Justice Precinct (a map of the precinct below). The boundaries for the court include New River to the north, Loma Lane to the south, 51st drive to the east and the 115th Avenue to the west.
Basic Information
Court Address:
14264 W. Tierra Buena Lane
Surprise, AZ. 85374
Court Information
- Judge: Craig Wismer
- Phone: (602) 372-2000
- Fax: (602) 372-2620
- Email Form: Form
Look Up A Case: Link
Parking and Security Information
- Paid parking in front of the court and a paid parking garage
- Visitors are required to pass through metal detectors
- Items brought into the courthouse go through xray machines
Payment Link for Court: Link
The Arrowhead Justice Court is located at 14254 W. Tierra Buena Lane, Surprise, AZ 85374. The map below shows the location of the court.

Arrowhead Justice Precinct

The area that a court has power over is called a jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of Arrowhead Justice Court is long and narrow covering the areas below. It is a busy court that hears a lot of criminal violations, such as misdemeanor traffic crimes and DUIs. The court does not have jurisdiction over a crime that is a felony or if you were arrested by a city police officer.
If you are charged with a crime that did not occur within the jurisdiction of Arrowhead Justice Court, then the court does not have the power to hear your case. In that event, the charges must be dismissed and can be re-filed in the proper jurisdiction if the time limit for doing so has not passed. If you believe you have been charged for a crime in the wrong court, contact the Salwin Law Group for help. We can help you to get your charges dismissed if they are filed in the wrong jurisdiction.
What is a Justice Court?
A justice court is a limited jurisdiction court that only hears misdemeanor offenses and traffic crimes, as well as civil cases involving less than $10,000 in dispute.
The Justice Courts in Arizona are unique in that the judge presiding in the court is called a Justice of the Peace. Justices of the peace are elected officials and voted into their office for four-year terms. Although they have the same powers as a judge, they are not required to be licensed attorneys. In fact, many justices of the peace are not lawyers. That means that the prosecutor, the individual that is fighting to get the largest penalty against you, is more trained than the judge hearing your case. That is why retaining counsel that is familiar with Arrowhead Justice Court is so important. Call the Salwin Law Group for a free evaluation of your case.
Justice of the Peace
The justice of the peace for Arrowhead Justice Court is Craig Wismer. Judge Wismer has been the Justice of the Peace for the court since he was elected in 2012. The Salwin Law Group finds him to be a fair judge, willing to listen to our well-thought out legal arguments. Be aware, however, Judge Wismer prefers a very formal court room and you should act accordingly if your case is before him.

How Did My Case End up in the Arrowhead Justice Court?
If you have been ordered to appear at the Arrowhead Justice Court, you have likely been charged with a misdemeanor criminal offense. The other type of offense you could have been charged with is a felony offense, which would require you to appear at the Superior Courts in Arizona.
How Should I Dress to Attend Court?
If you have been ordered to appear in Arrowhead Justice court, remember that Judge Wismer prefers a more formal courtroom and you should dress appropriately. For men, this means a buttoned-down collared shirt with a tie and dress pants, a suit jacket if you have one. Women should wear a dress or skirt or dress pants with a dress shirt and a suit jacket or cardigan. No leggings or jeans should be worn.
The formality of the hearing should remain even if you are appearing virtually. The same rules apply as if you were in person. Do not drive or walk around during the hearing. Remain seated and away from noise, and dress appropriately.
Common Offenses
Common offenses that we see charged in the Arrowhead Justice Court involve DUIs and misdemeanor traffic crimes.
The Salwin Law Group Handles Cases In The Arrowhead Justice Court
The Salwin Law Group has experience with the Arrowhead Justice Court. Stewart Salwin, a Harvard Law School graduate, was trained by the very best criminal defense attorneys in the country. His training includes his tenure as a former prosecutor at the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office. He has handled thousands of DUI cases and has conducted over 75 trials. If you have been ordered to appear at the the justice court, call the Salwin Law Group for a free evaluation right away.
Stewart Salwin is a criminal defense attorney handling cases in the Arrowhead Justice Court.